Day 788 - Substack 100 -

Just passed 100 subscribers on my [Substack newsletter](!

I started on Substack ~3 months ago on [19 Nov 2022](, but the true origin of the newsletter was back on 1 Jun 2022 on the now-defunct Revue.


It all started as a hedge against Twitter platform risk. In fact, it wasn't even a newsletter at all when I started. I started a Revuew newsletter then to collect emails in case of being deplatformed. Not the most compelling sign up call-to-action, I must say.

But over time I experimented. Iterated from a email collection point to a monthly Revue newsletter where I post my monthly wrap-ups. It was an easy transition because I've been writing these monthly reviews for years now. It's just copy-pasting over and publish – there I'm done! Then the next iteration was moving to weekly publishing and onto Substack, where I again repurposed posts from my daily writing habit here on Lifelog. I also gave it a proper [project status on Makerlog]( – now that means something. Now it's a place to share longer form stories about my indie journey, stuff I almost never share on Twitter. A kind of sneak peek behind the scenes in long form.

And guess what I love most about this project? The fact that I still have no clue what I'm doing or want out of it. πŸ˜… The zero expectations part of it is an experiment in itself. Can I grow a project without wanting it to *be* something, without desiring to achieve *anything at all*? I've known for a while that for me, expectations hinder more than help. This is a project to see if what an expectationless project looks like.

I guess the next phase of 100 β†’ 1000 is to see it unfold!


Weekly peek behind the scenes of my indie solopreneur journey here:
