Day 95 - Expectations are hardest to change when it comes to context switching

With coding, it’s all very visual and visceral. Code you type into your computer renders straight away. If it works, you know. If it doesn’t, you know too. Immediately. The feedback loop is short, and definitive. I can see results fast.

But marketing loops are the opposite. Yes, you can see page views, impressions and all within the first few days, but very often content is a long game. You won’t see the real effects until you hit a certain threshold quantity and quality. From what I read, it can be many months before there’s any observable effect in traffic and conversions. Content feedback loops are longer and more ambiguous, and it’s indicators are lagging. It just takes so much longer. Longer than I have patience for.

The life cycles of coding and marketing are like the life spans of fruit flies compared to tortoises.