Day 542 - Outsourcing happiness & success to other people -

Why I’m self-employed and always come back to it even though I was employed in the past:


But unfortunately that word often feels fluffy and grandiose.

It’s not some abstract rebel ideal, though. It’s a lot more practical than it sounds. This tweet by Naval sums it up well:

"Don’t outsource your happiness or success to other people’s decisions." – @naval

That’s totally what I’m doing. It’s also built off my experience being employed, how I felt that there’s always a gap between compensation versus competency, effort and talent. Oftentimes a huge gap. So, someone else’s decision getting in the way of my success. I realised I needed to create my own game rather than play someone’s else’s rigged one. In the end it was just a pragmatic decision. To get to a more efficient competency:compensation ratio.

The best part? Even if I don’t get there, I know it’s my own doing (or failing). It’s within my control. There’s no one else to blame. No what-ifs.

My creator journey is totally showing me this. I have only myself to blame or congratulate. There’s exhilarating highs and depressing lows. It’s not a stable, no-drama life for sure.

But I love it.