Organic sharing/marketing on Twitter

Losing steam. Not sure if I'm doing it wrong, or it just takes time. Not seeing much effect from organic engagement and just chatting...
Adam Marsden

I would do more with your personal account too. People like to be able to put a face to the product, especially helps with building in public. I pretty much only use my personal Twitter and make sure to make the content useful for people while being able to talk about my own projects.

Jason Leow Author

@AdamMarsdenUK thanks for the tip! Yeah, i was a bit torn tbh. I do loads of varied stuff, so my personal account can look pretty scattered. Thought I might try using a brand acc to engage instead, with a focus on niche content for writing habits. But not sure if it comes across as authentic…

Adam Marsden

Just keep at it, it definitely takes time. I just followed you on Twitter and will engage as much as I can to help with it ✌️

Jason Leow Author

@Warmbox_ai i need advice myself!

Jason Leow Author

@Warmbox_ai thanks thanks 🙏 are you a maker too? Whats your personal Makerlog acc?

Jason Leow Author

@AdamMarsdenUK thanks for the follow! Oh I tweet out mainly from the @golifelog Twitter account though, with some overlaps on my personal Twitter acc… wonder if that matters…

Jason Leow Author

@Warmbox_ai tbh, might be better engaging on personal account for Makerlog. Brand accounts are still rare here, and the ones who are tend to be spammers. I was kind suspicious too for a bit haha. My personal pref though… just 2cents


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