Day 673 - Plugins For Carrd overtook Lifelog & all my products in revenue -

Plugins For Carrd( launched in Dec 2020 as a side project. It started for fun. I was learning to code, learning Vue.js, and made tiny standalone apps that I realised could be embedded in Carrd as a feature.

So I went and created templates for it even before the Seller Program existed. I only had free templates at the start, but seeing the reception to the free ones, I then launched my first paid plugin in March 2021. The revenue is one-off, but modest in the first year (2021):

Dec $135
Nov $334
Oct $60
Sep $105
Aug $150
Jul $120
Jun $30
May $30
Apr $105
Mar $30
Feb $0
Jan $0
TOTAL = $1099
Monthly average = $91.60

What's surprising about the revenue was how little I did to market it. I shared bits and pieces on social media, answered some questions, that's about it. It just kept growing *all on its own*. And now, in the 2nd year, revenue DOUBLED:

2022 revenue (as of today):

Oct $250
Sep $200
Aug $230
Jul $265
Jun $285
May $345
Apr $125
Mar $250
Feb $90
Jan $210
TOTAL = $2250
Monthly average = $187.5

And that's just the numbers for plugin sales. It's not including the $1514 in cumulative revenue I earned so far in affiliate revenue (from the Referral Program) and templates 'donations' (from the Seller Program) in – just last month in October alone, the affiliate + template revenue was already $259. If this keeps up, it could potentially mean another doubled revenue stream!

All the while my other products either stagnated (Lifelog, Outsprint) or faded to zero (Keto List Singapore, Sweet Jam Sites). Outsprint only recently reviving again due to better pandemic conditions.

Except February, every month out-earned Lifelog. This is why I'm pushing Lifelog to side project status and Plugins to main project. This is even more poignant when I compare just how much marketing I did for Lifelog compared to Plugins. Not bad for what was once a side project huh...

It's crazy how long I've sat on this opportunity and didn't double down on it as much as the potential shows. Yet the Universe had been truly patient. So lately I've been trying to do more of what seems to be working:

- answering questions from new customers within a day or less
- helping people with their Carrd problems, answering questions without expecting returns
- creating more free templates and plugins and sharing
- promote without coming across as self-promoting, by adding "~" to my username, and signing off as "Jason ~" in comments

Just old school good service. Just being giving to a fault.

No growth hacks. No fancy tricks.

I'm not even talking about it that much on Twitter. Maybe that's the key......