[Post-dated] Day 580 - Happy folder - https://golifelog.com/posts/happy-folder-1659484474845

Do you keep a happy folder?

A collection of emails that makes you happy reading them. It could be emails of positive feedback, praise, congratulations, or just a simple thank you that you liked. Something like:

“This plugins remains the single best piece of investment I made for my personal brand.”


I’m trying this now. I get feedback of all sorts for my products, from various channels and formats like email, messages, tweets. But no single place to read them.

So I created a folder in my inbox (ok, it’s a “label” in Gmail), and placed them all there. Bits from other channels and formats, I forward them as screenshots or links to that email folder. And on rainy, low morale days, I’ll look through these emails for that little bit of motivation.

Being an entrepreneur is tough. Indie hacking without any results to show for in the short term is hard. The days are long, but the years are short. Lately I’m finding more darker days than bright ones.

It’s like being on a hike. The view changes all the time as you climb. Sometimes you have to climb down into dark valleys. The summit you were aiming for wasn’t the real peak. Occasionally you climb up and get to a great view for a pit stop and a sandwich.

So I’ll take anything to help me stay motivated and sustain the journey. Being able to look back and see the impact of my work is one way to practice that.
