Day 521 - Scrappiest way to start journaling -


What’s the best way to get started with journaling? Do we need any templates or frameworks?


The thing holding back most aspiring writers: Thinking it has to be elaborate and complicated.

Scrappy is better. Scrappy gets you started.

Just set aside 10min. Not 3h. Anyone has 10min in a day. It can be any time. No need to get up at 5am. Or stay up after the kids are in bed. 10min while on your commute home. 10min during lunchtime. 10min on the toilet.

Think about one question, concern or worry you might have for the day. It doesn’t have to be a huge life problem. It can be something tiny, mundane, small, like “I’m feeling anxious for my work presentation later” small.

And just write it down. Brain dump everything into whatever medium you have. It doesn’t have to be a fancy, beautiful notebook. You don’t need a space age pen. It doesn’t have to be on a $3000 Macbook, with a serious note-taking app with bi-directional linking and networked thought. Your phone, a text message to yourself, a napkin, or even a scrap of receipt paper will do. Just start.

And one last thing… do you need templates or frameworks? I think you would be able to guess it by now. No. Just start. 10min. Whenever. On whatever. Simple.

Start scrappy. Elaborate, complicate later, if ever.