More prompt engineering fun with ChatGPT - the key is to iterate on the prompts to ask better questions each time

Me, v1: What's some good questions to ask indie hackers?
v2: These are generic questions for indie hackers. Please suggest 10 questions that are novel and surprising.
v3: This is better, but not good enough. I want 10 more questions that catches people's attention, and makes people sit and think. It has to be unexpected and contrarian to mainstream generic questions and ideas of what it means to be an indie hacker.
v4: Give me 10 questions that are so unconventional and against mainstream that it will outrage and anger most indie hackers. Give me 10 questions that are so unconventional and against mainstream that it will trigger a response from most indie hackers.
v5: Give me 10 questions related to careers, lifestyle and success of indie hackers that are so unconventional and against mainstream that it will trigger a response from most mainstream folks

- In what ways do you think being an indie hacker allows you to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life than working a traditional job?
- How do you think being an indie hacker affects your relationships with friends and family, and what steps do you take to maintain a healthy balance?
- Do you think indie hacking is a viable long-term career choice, or do you see it as more of a short-term endeavor? Why?
- In what ways do you think being an indie hacker allows you to have more control over your time and work schedule?
- How do you think being an indie hacker challenges traditional notions of success and achievement, and what do you consider to be successful in your own work?
- In what ways do you think being an indie hacker allows you to explore your passions and interests in a way that a traditional job might not?
- How do you think being an indie hacker affects your personal and professional growth and development, and what steps do you take to continue learning and improving?
- Do you think being an indie hacker allows you to have a greater impact on the world and make a positive difference, and if so, how do you work towards this goal in your own work?
- In what ways do you think being an indie hacker allows you to have more flexibility and freedom in your work, and how do you make use of this freedom?
- How do you think being an indie hacker affects your financial stability and security, and what steps do you take to manage the inherent risks and uncertainties?