Day 857 - Unlearning > learning -

The hardest thing being indie isn't learning marketing/coding, but unlearning old reflexes. When I started I operated from an employee mindset, thinking the more hours I put in, the better the business. That didn't work out well.. (* cue burnout)

Hard work β‰  success

Years on I find I'm still unlearning that! Looks like it take a while to shake off those conditioned reflexes after decades.

Unlearning unhelpful narratives seems to be a rite of passage for every indie.

That got me thinking... *What else did I have to unlearn along the way?*

- Money is dirty
- Billionaires are scum
- Marketing is slimey and unethical
- A real business = SaaS
- Subscription revenue (MRR) is the best type of revenue.
- If the product is great, it'll market itself and I won't need to.
- The market is too saturated is a good excuse to not try.
- If I do these habits consistently (waking at 5am, cold showers, journaling etc) I will succeed at indie hacking.
- Info products are not "real businesses".
- {Popular indie hacker} is successful because he/she got a huge audience. It won't work for me.
- I need to set up a perfect second brain note-taking system, otherwise I'll lose all my good ideas!
- What if no one cares?!

I used to think all that when it comes to indie products. I was sooo wrong. Must be this, must be that. Artificial rules about how to run a business and build a product which seems to make sense but are totally removed from reality. Ultimately, my endgame is just freedom. It shouldn't matter how I do it, as long as it's legal and I like the work. Money is money is money.