Day 873 - More ideas on getting an extra $1000/month -

I tweeted a [question](

> "Finances had been a bit tight recently. The fam could do with a bit more. Was thinking an extra $1k a month won't hurt – not too much that it’s overwhelming, but non-trivial enough that it requires some plotting. How would you go about it if you had to earn an extra $1k/m?"

And the tweet blew up. This is why I love the Twitter Maker community. Everyone wants to help out a fellow indie. I got a lot more ideas from it!

- **Upsell a premium service to past Carrd customers**, e.g. that unlimited support idea that I've held back. Since there's some ongoing relationship, and some indirect validation from the existing business, the barrier to buying is lower. To make it sustainable I got to limit the no. of customers, or scope down the kinds of tasks that can be requested. Imagine just a $199/month subscription service Γ— 5 customers = $1000 more in the bank monthly.
- **Cross bundle with other creators**, anything that fits well together. Sell for 1 week/month, split revenue 3 ways.
- **Live Zoom course** for 2h every Saturday for 1 month on something I'm an expert in. $100/pax, for 10pax. Design thinking?
- **Micro-consulting**: Sell 1h of my time, to help someone with a topic that I'm an expert in. Revive
- **Build plugins for up-and-coming platform Framer**. Repurpose my Carrd plugins for Framer?!
- Find a problem that someone is willing to pay $2k/m for and **outsource/drop service** it for $1k/m.
- Launch a **simple one-feature micro-SaaS** product.
- **Freelance**! Easiest and fastest.
- Unconsidered idea: **Food delivery.**
- Leverage geo-arbitrage and **move to a low cost country**. But difficult due to family and elderly parents.

So many cool ideas to consider! πŸ€”