Day 577 - July wrap-up -

– Revenue:
Current MRR: US$109 (all from Lifelog)
One-off revenue: ~US$281
Total revenue: ~US$390
Total profit (excl. salary): ~US$350

– Costs:
Heroku: $9/m
Table2site: $8/m
Carrd: $7.40/m (US$89/y)
Domains: ~$16/m (~US$200/y)

Twitter stats - Jul vs Jun
– Tweets: 1293 vs 1376
– Tweet impressions: 183k vs 304k
– Likes: 2.8k vs 3.2k
– Engagement rate: 4.9% vs 4.4%
– Profile visits: 38.2k vs 69.9k
– New followers: 141 vs 217
– Link clicks: 203 vs 528

July went by in a blink. Many days, just making it through the day felt like the most productive thing I could do. It was hard getting motivated to do anything. Most days, I scraped by.

I planned to build fun and creative projects to kickstart my momentum in July. But looks like I still needed more rest, so my break continued. And I did the bare minimum.

But the nice thing about doing monthly recaps is that I often realised I did more than I assumed.

Lots are happening for my design consultancy business Outsprint. New opportunities coming my way. Emails, phone calls, coffees, meetings. I attribute a substantial part of this to my content distribution on LinkedIn. It definitely is bringing me more visibility. If anything, it’s a reminder that I exist, and people who might have thought about working with me are getting reminded. It’s also timely that many of my clients (governments and nonprofits) are slowly emerging out of crisis mode and starting to re-think about improvement and innovation. Grateful for this business in my portfolio of businesses, that it’s still the sole breadwinner after all these years.

Plugins For Carrd continue to do well on it’s own momentum. Getting more enquiries, interest and feature suggestions. It sells. It continues to give me energy working on it.

These 2 products are pulling me forward, while for the rest, I find I’m having to push hard on them, without much progress. These are the signals from reality. Am I listening? Or am I still trying to bang my head on a brick wall chasing what I thought I wanted?

Much to ponder over.