Day 515 - How you know you built a habit that lasts -

When you get that uncomfortable, icky, nagging, “unfinished business” feeling if you didn’t perform the habit that day/week/month.

You know, like forgetting to brush your teeth?

That’s what I’m realising now for my weekly recaps.

I had a busy day on Friday—my usual analog recap day—and missed my weekly review. I told myself I’ll try to do it on the weekend, but weekends are busy family days. And now it’s the new week and a Monday, and still I’ve not done my weekly recap.

And that nagging, icky feeling is back.

I feel lost at sea without having done it. There’s a cathartic clarity around being able to download your mind on to a piece of paper, more so every week when so much happens. After I do it, I always feel somewhat relieved, lighter, and more grounded.

It’s like I’m a tree, and I spend the week growing my branches and leaves outwards and upwards. If I don’t have half a day deepening my roots downwards, I’d feel adrift, unanchored, easy to topple.

It’s weird how I’ve only just started on this habit for 1 month, only did 4 reps on it, but it’s stuck so well.

All the more a sign that I’ve built a habit that lasts.