Day 637 - Replies + likes > tweets -

New learning about Twitter algorithm. Tweeting alone isn’t enough. I just tried it on the @golifelog Twitter account. Just tweets. 1 quote tweet a day. No liking or replies to other accounts.

I did that for about a month as I was busy with my consulting.

The result? Zero new followers. Zero likes on any of my tweets.


In fact, my follower count started going down because there’s always a base of people were unfollowing.

Then I got less busy, and continued doing the same (1 quote tweet per day) BUT plus liking other tweets. An occasional reply.

The difference is pretty significant: More new follows. People liked my quote tweets.

My hypothesis from this?

The Twitter algo doesn’t show your tweets to your followers if you don’t engage with other accounts.

That’s why just tweeting alone isn’t enough.

Caveat: Of course, if you just like and reply but tweet zero of your own stuff, you won’t give people a chance to know what your account is like, and they’re less likely to follow. So tweets still matter as a basic hygiene practice. It just isn’t the pivotal thing when it comes to growth.

It’s not called social media for nothing. The social aspect is the prime activity, not broadcasting or content creation.

Replies + likes > tweets