Added the mega navbar plugin to Gumroad - my FIRST EVER products on Gumroad

Avoided Gumroad for the longest time because of the horror stories I hear about Paypal randomly freezing accounts. That's why I used Flurly. But decided no loss to just try giving an additional option to customers if they prefer Gumroad/Paypal. An experiment to see if having an additional payment option will increase sales...

Will still route them to Flurly link as I prefer them to pay me using Stripe, but if they see the Gumroad link on the Flurly page, they can choose to redirect to Gumroad to purchase.

Update: Also just learned that Gumroad now offers direct deposit to bank accounts in Singapore! No more worry about Paypal then??!!

Gumroad links:
Jason Leow Author

Better fees on Gumroad?

Fajar Siddiq

Congratulations!!! ;) i did this last month i'm happy to use too. Better fees


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