Day 892 - Not lazy but surviving -

Saw this on my social feeds:

> "You're not lazy, you only have a certain amount of energy and right now you are using it all to survive."

Reading it, can't help but feel validated for the lack of productivity for the past few months. I wasn't lazy. I wasn't unproductive. I wasn't ill disciplined. I was dealing with stuff. I was just trying to survive and get through the day. And the next day. And the day after.

One long freaking day at a time.

But now I feel better. Thankfully. Realising that it's not due to [anything in my mind that's broken]( was doubly assuring. I can move on without fear and trembling.

Besides, by being "lazy/unproductive" assumes I'm racing to get somewhere... Whose race am I running in? Where am I rushing to? There's no one else in this race other than myself. Everyone's running their own race, with themselves as the only runner.

Wait, it's not even a race. Not even the too-often-used word "journey". It's just me manifesting, unfolding in time and space.

I am enough.