Day 789 - February wrap-up -

The shortest month of the year has passed.

I had wanted to [build build build](

> I just want to build build build. And then share cool stories in this digital campfire called Twitter with other builders and hackers. Not to win social status or get more followers but just to make cool things and tell a story!

And I think I achieved it. 5 new Carrd plugins. A productive long list of improvements to my Plugins project. A banger month on Twitter. Starting on a new long-term consulting/coaching project with a non-profit client.

It was such a short didn't feel enough! I want to continue this building momentum for the months to come.

- Current MRR (all from Lifelog): $109 (β€’$0)
- One-off revenue: $755 (↓$61)
- Total revenue: $864 (↓$61)
- Total costs = $385
- Total profit: $479 (↓$230) (excl. consulting revenue)
- Profit margin: 55%