Day 809 - Nike invented jogging -

I was today years old when I learned that Nike invented jogging. The founders of Nike partnered with a doctor to write a book called Jogging that outlined the benefits of regular jogging. Before this, only athletes did jogging. Then after a while, it got popular and went mainstream. And Nike sold more shoes.

> Following the endorsement of health professionals, the release of Jogging, and the cachet of athletes and celebrities who jogged, the new sport broke through to the mainstream. – via [Vox](

I'll be damned.

I've jogged all my life, some periods competitively, some for health. I've loved it, competed in it, did it with friends, and I never knew it was invented to sell more shoes.

Not for health or fitness or sportsmanship.

Sometimes I feel adulthood is like learning that everything you thought you knew was a lie. Jogging as Nike's product is one such moment.

But yet at the same time as an entrepreneur, I can't help but feel impressed.

Nike didn't just make sneakers. They also created something that tapped into the underlying human needs that would drive sneaker sales.

The need to be healthy and fit.
The desire to follow those with high social status.

All through this activity called jogging.


And here we are, indie solopreneurs, making little toy widgets on the internet and calling it entrepreneurship. These guys in the 60s were inventing a whole lifestyle, conjuring up wants where there were none.


What's the jogging equivalent for indie hackers?