Day 918 - Stuck -

A few days ago I wrote to think through about the [hard truths about my Carrd plugins project]( It didn't feel good for sure. That's the thing about writing. It makes me confront what I was only vaguely aware into a full-on contact sport.

Almost overnight the project went from favoured child to now yet another 'failure'.

Okay maybe I'm being overly dramatic here. It's not a *complete* failure. More like not performing to what I need, which is $5k/m ramen profitability. It's a project I will still keep building and running. But it definitely failed in helping me hit my goal.

Despite all the caveats, the proceeding days after writing it out, I felt low, like I was nursing my wounds. I felt like I failed yet again. Did I shoot myself on the foot again by thinking too much, or is this a hard truth, reality-confronting moment?

I think it's the latter.

Fact is, it's taking too long to get the results it showed so far. Like it or not, that's what's real and true, my feelings about it be damned.

Okay so what's next?

Truth is, I'm stuck. Okay I said it.

I've been stuck for some time now, actually. And maybe I need to write about this too now, to confront it.

I have no new ideas. I feel like I'm inside some invisible bubble barrier. I know I want out, but this barrier is walling me in. Somehow. I don't know how, I don't know what, I don't know why. All I know: It's there. I'm still stuck, even though I *want* so badly to get unstuck.

It's not just an intellectual thing, like lacking ideas (which is true but not the complete picture). It also feels like a feeling thing. Like there's a certain fear perhaps, hesitation or even procrastination.

What do you do when stuck?

- Take a physical and mental break?
- Seek out creative inspiration?
- Explore what makes you curious?
- Write more?
- Talk to your therapist?

*What else?*
Jason Leow Author

Sounds like something I need!

Linky IO

I'd take 5 days away from norm, somewhere different (outdoors) No tech, no internet, no videos, no electronic games, no texting, no phone except for emergency calls (no cheating 😉). Interact with people in person, go swimming in the river, walk along the shore, hike to a peak, notice the flowers, watch the insects, spend time alone - be 'bored'.


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