Day 472 - The luck-skill continuum -

Interesting new framework I learned today: the luck-skill continuum. Sahil Bloom was talking about non-obvious traits of winner, in particular, how they can tell what’s luck and what’s skill:

Common Trait: Differentiate Luck & Skill

Humans are storytelling creatures.

But our stories are flawed. We are notoriously bad at differentiating between skill and luck.

Stories of success tend to downplay the role of luck; stories of failure tend to overplay the role of luck.

Average performers think like this:

• Good outcome? I’m a genius.
• Bad outcome? I’m unlucky.

Top performers have an understanding of @mjmauboussin’s luck-skill continuum.

They identify where an activity or outcome exists on it and adjust future actions accordingly.

That luck-skill diagram definitely got my wheels turning. It got me thinking:

Where does entrepreneurship/indie hacking lie on the continuum?