Day 638 - September wrap-up -

📈 Current MRR (all from Lifelog): $119 (↑$10)
📊 One-off revenue: $351 (↑$6)
💵 Total revenue: $470 (↑$16)
🏦 Total profit: $430 (↑$16) (excl. salary and consulting costs)

👀 Tweet impressions: 240k vs 254k vs 183k
💙 Likes: 2.1k vs 3.1k vs 2.8k
💬 Engagement rate: 3.9% vs 4.2% vs 4.9%
🏡 Profile visits: 36.6k vs 43.1k vs 38.2k
📣 Mentions: 996 vs 1726 vs 1441
👣 New followers: 211 vs 254 vs 141
📧 Emails: 36 (↑4) subscribers

My one goal in September:

Go all in and do well for my consulting gig.

And looking back, I think I achieved that. I prepared myself for the physicality of the consulting by taking self-care seriously, sleeping enough, taking long naps on rest days, eating well, eating more. And then committed my 100% to the consulting work. Feedback from the client had been pretty positive.

I also feel more relaxed and feel less burdened by expectations about growing my products. I like this. It opens up mindspace to have more fun, to take risks, and be opportunistic. That’s how I always preferred to work, and somehow it’s falling into place all on its own. Not sure what changed that led to this.

Overall I’m thankful for a fruitful September, with more opportunities on the horizon. Grateful for being provided for.