Day 594 - 5 years ago I dreamed about being where I am now -

5 years ago I dreamed about being where I am now, achieving what I have now.

5 years ago, it’s 2017. I’m 2 years into my consulting business. I’m doing well, earning more than I imagined. It was a year where I travelled a lot - Bangkok, Melaka, Saigon, Japan, Bali. Life looked great on the outside. I should be happy. But I was not. I was stressed and tired from my work. A particularly toxic client left me feeling worn out even more. Health was sliding downwards.

And I didn’t have any product.

Even though making products was what I wanted to do when I left my last formal employment in late 2014. More than 2 years since, no product to show for. I was simply too busy building up the consulting business, I forgot about my original dream.

I dreamed of creating products.

But I didn’t know how to code. And I hated coding. It felt like learning math or a foreign language. It felt too technical for my liking. Nocode tools was still unknown then (at least in my circles). I could design some websites using Wordpress. That’s about it.

Even though I hungered to make my own products, I didn’t really think I could do so easily on my own. I was unsure if I could make that dream come true.

Then a few health issues cropped up towards the end of 2017. That was a signal. I took some time off to recover. And by early 2018, I started the 12 startups in 12 months challenge. I went with what I knew—Wordpress—and just made what I can using that. I finished at 8 products – super proud! Most didn’t make any money, and those that did, just made one-time revenue of a few hundred bucks. It was also a time when nocode emerged, and making products got easier and faster. I restarted my Twitter account to tweet about indie hacking.

After that I would have a rebound relationship with coding for the next 2 years. But by end of 2020, I sealed the relationship, stuck to it, and made Lifelog.

Now in 2022 I have a portfolio of diverse products and services. Some with recurring revenue, most with one-time revenue. I earned $11k last year from my products alone.

5 years ago, I dreamed about creating products and had none.
5 years later, I am where I dreamed of.

So much can change in 5 years. You can make so much progress in 5 years, more than you realised.

Had I not took the time to do this reflection exercise, I wouldn’t have noticed that transformation either.

I am now where I dreamed about 5 years ago.

And I am thankful.