Day 420 - Slangry -

There’s a concept in mental health called “functional depression”. It’s depression that doesn’t look like it’s there. Folks who have it look like well-functioning people on the outside.

I think there’s an equivalent in sleep deprivation. Just look out for new mums and dads at work. This hypothesis comes from my own experience. Because the past two years of caring for a kid had impacted my sleep. And I get by. Only just.

But the long term sleep deprivation creeps up in subtle, subversive ways.

On days when I think I’m doing okay, I skip my power naps. And my mood just goes way down in the late afternoon. I’m still somewhat alert. I don’t feel sleepy or tired. But in a really sucky mood. Everything feels stupid. And I thought I’m being a jerk.

I’m functional, but sleep debt had crept into my moods and emotional wellbeing.

Another parallel I can think of is being hangry. You’re hungry but you don’t really feel it, and it’s making you angry at everything else. Once you eat you mood lightens up.

Sleepy and angry.

So, my take-away is:

You’re probably more sleep deprived than you realised.

Don’t skip on your 8h of sleep every night.
Don’t skip on your naps if it had always worked for you.

Don’t be slangry.