Researched and learned about Strapi - popular as a headless CMS but more importantly you can create a RESTful or GraphQL APIs in minutes!😱 Just WYSIWYG click type drag drop and your data structure and content can be up in minutes, and you can view the API in json in browser, set up access control without wrangling with JWTs and stuff... WTF man. Did I just WASTE weeks of learning how to develop my API using Rails when I could have done it in hours using Strapi (or any other headless cms solutions out there like Contentful)???!!! And did you know it's open source and FREE?? 😡😭

Jason Leow Author

Yeah I guess…knowledge that I can now do things a different, faster way 😜

Carl Poppa 🛸

You acquired knowledge. It's never wasted :)


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