Day 440 - Finding the right game to play in -

Overrated: Hard work

Underrated: Finding the right game to play in

(Average execution + right game) > (excellent execution + someone else’s game)

The question is: How do I find the right game?

Some observations and guesses on what other indicators there might be to know you’re in the right game:

• You defined the category, no matter how small/niche.
• You’re setting your own rules in the game, and others are copying you, playing by your rules.
• You’re having too much fun while making money.
• You’re operating within the optimum ratio of competency versus unknown.
• You’re growing and learning a lot in the process.
• You’re able to operate as your authentic self, and your customers pay you for that.
• You feel a growing sense of joy, purpose and clarity that this is what you do.
• You’re totally in your element while playing the game. Flow, deep work comes easily.

The next question begging for an answer is: Have I found my game yet?

The thing is, I don’t find myself going “Hell yeah!” when it comes to writing for creators and personal development. It’s what I do, I enjoy it, I’m getting good at it, and it seems to solve something (though probably more as a vitamin than a painkiller). It’s my game for now, but I’m not totally sure to be honest…

I see folks like @levelsio, @yongfook, and I see them operating in their element. And they are being rewarded for it. I’m not feeling like I’m in my element, and the (low) revenue is an indicator.

The good thing is, I could be just one product away from that.

And that makes me feel optimistic about the future.