πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ Encore update to MRR by $16! That means... I JUST F**KING HIT $100 MRR!!!

Here's the crazy story of what happen... and how I meant Santa Claus in real life:

- Andrey Azimov of Sheet2site fame DMed me after seeing my tweet about $84 MRR.
- He wanted me to charge him a $16 subscription to close the $100 MRR goal before 2021 is up!
- "Are you serious? I don't even have a $16 subscription package" I said!
- "Go make one in Stripe and charge me now"
- "OK"
- Aaaand the rest is history

And that's how I hit my MRR goal of $100 in 2021. By the pure generosity of others. Made all the more meaningful that it happened on Christmas Day, a day and season of giving.

Andrey was my real life Santa Claus