Day 952 - Running my own race -

I see [this list on Dan's tweet](, and on one hand at first glance, I'm relieved that there's some 50s/60s on that list, because I'm past most of the others!


Looking up to Col. Sanders for founding KFC at 62! At least I still got a chance...

But on the other hand after reflecting on it a bit: Isn't this list a clear testament that everyone's running their own race?

Someone's breakthrough at 41 is another's at 62.

On hindsight, they all probably got there on their own time, doing what they're curious about, what drives them.

So maybe I'm too hard on myself...

Truth is, sometimes unhelpful thoughts do come up and I feel like I'm past my prime to be hustling in a new field like indie hacking. Most people in their 40s like me are settling into their career, putting down roots in their specialty. I feel the same for my design consultancy career... feeling like a veteran after a decade in it. *So why do a new thing at all? Why not just cruise along?*

But on other more optimistic days, I feel 10x more alive trying new things, feeling challenged. Having a bigger goal—like sustained financial, location and creative freedom, at maybe $100k monthly revenue—also gets me up earlier in the day, lends purpose and meaning.

On those days, I can't help but agree with Dan, that I'm grateful to get to have a swing at it this year.

And hopefully the next too.
Marcel Fahle

45 here, swinging at the fences every day. :)


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