Day 943 - August 2023 goals -

August might just be the break I was hurting for in a while. Not a break as in for rest, but for work.

Since consulting gigs started in May, I've been super busy. Most days, I felt like I was working two jobs! One at my client's office, and another in the early morning or late evenings at home.

It's been hectic, to say the least.

Happy problem though. And I'm grateful for the consulting. But ever since I got some new ideas for new indie products, I've been dying to build and ship them.

With some consulting projects tapering off and new ones yet to start, August is looking promising to go full-on for indie hacking. And since I'm done quite some exploring in July, I'm feeling ready to get started on building and shipping. I still want to keep an eye out for new ideas though. But something has to start.

Something. *Anything.*

I don't want to put any hard metrics or deadlines on here since it's more about intentions, but I'll be happy to get at least one product out in the wild!

Onwards to August!