Day 529 - I don't care -

When was the last time you said “I don’t care”?

Was it really because you didn’t care, or you couldn’t handle it well and not caring was an easy way out?

Thinking back, I think there’s way more occasions where it’s the latter than I want to admit.

This tweet truly prompted some deep reflection:

"It’s easier to say you don’t care about money than to admit you’re unskilled
It’s easier to say you don’t care about dating than to admit you’re awkward
It’s easier to say you don’t care about getting fit than to admit you’re lazy
Think of this next time you say “I don’t care”
– @WrongsToWrite"

Like when I said I don’t care about money, it’s about freedom. It’s true, ultimately freedom is my metric of success but money isn’t unimportant either. Both are necessary, but neither alone are sufficient. Especially pertinent lesson from the past 2 years when survival needs were always a concern. I do care about money, just to the point of enough. And when I said I don’t care, it’s more out of rebellion, out of not knowing how to make and deal with money. More out of exasperation with my relationship with money.

I often said I don’t care about socializing. I’ve always preferred to be alone, in peaceful solitude. I’d always said people tire me. But truth is, I do care. I do care about my wife, son, parents, family. I do care about some friends. I do care about socializing, but just in a way that energizes me instead of drains me. Fact is, I don’t know how to set up that to serve me. People always hold sway over me, pulling me away from what I feel I need the most, for myself. I don’t care because it’s easier to run away than to learn how to deal with it.

I always said I don’t care about approval and validation of others. But truth is, I do care, even if I don’t want to. Someone says my product sucks, and it still stings, even if I don’t know the guy. I show it to someone I look up to, and hope he or she likes it. We are after all human. Imperfect in keeping to our beliefs, and unavoidably social. Not caring is an aspiration, caring is inevitable. We can’t control others and their responses. So we say we “don’t care”.

"People claim apathy when they can’t handle failure. – @AlexHormozi"

How often is apathy just inability in disguise?

I don’t think I’ll ever look at “I don’t care” the same way again.

The next time I ever catch myself saying it, I know I need to probe deeper.