Day 111 - Growth as doing fewer things

What if real personal growth meant less, not more? Via negativa is... a simple and elegant rule of thumb – that less is more, addition by subtraction, on what not to do.

Things I would still love to eliminate:

• Mon-Fri work week - want to go 100% async, go out on weekdays, work on weekends.
• Sitting down to work - too sedentary, bad for health. Would be great if work can be done without necessarily sitting down in front of a computer, or even needing a computer!
• Less-than-liveable revenue on indie hacker products - $5k MRR is the goal
• Feeling like I need to work - financial freedom will ensure that I work when I want to work
• Zoom calls - let’s just do a good old fashioned phone call shall we?

It’s an interesting exercise to write down this second list of stuff I want to eliminate. Discovered new things I can experiment with, to learn and try (like #2)!