Day 402 - -

I just set a goal called Mind My Millions to develop good money habits and mindsets.

To make my learning more intentional, I’m going to do a #30daysofmoney challenge.

The endgame at the end of 30 days is to implement:
• A millionaire habit system
• A system for managing money
• A plan for investing

Each day for 30 days, I will apply and act on ONE tip or lesson, to make it real. 1% compounding streak ftw.

Will also write about my learnings here on Lifelog - not daily though. Probably weekly, but no fixed day that will happen. I want to let the lessons unfold naturally instead of forcing it.

I also started a Mind My Millions Telegram chat group ( to make the learning experience more social by posting the one tip, and also to learn from others. Planning to invite folks who I want to learn from to it. It’s all part of leveraging on social accountability, social influence, collective wisdom and a way to shift identity by immersing in the wealth subculture.