Day 961 - A 1700 streak, in perspective -

Yesterday I wrote about my [1700 consecutive days streak]( of shipping on Makerlog.

I wish I can you how crazily successful I am because I shipped everyday for over 4 years.

But I'm not.

Faaar from it, in fact.

I'm just at $1k monthly revenue. That's like rookie numbers. I'm at the indie hacker baby stage only. I'm still struggling to grow my products. I've not hit any product with growth potential to go to say, $10k per month. Hell, I'm even struggling to even [launch new ones right now](

That streak number means nothing in the larger scheme of things. At least for me. My goals, my dreams. It's really a throughput metric, not the output or outcome. Not the endgame.

The final endgame, the real number that ultimately matters is money in the bank, the blank days in your calendar.

It's how many laughs I've seen my kid laughed.
It's how many smiles I've seen my wife smiled.
It's how many trips I went on with my family.
It's how many night we slept soundly knowing we're well-provided for.
It's the assurance my parents feel in their retirement years.

Those are the real numbers.