Masterclass class 1 of the day

Julian Barbarino 🇵🇷 Author

I get some good solid daily views even when I don't Post anything on the blog, but i will definitely check out Lifelong when I get the chance.

Jason Leow

Btw, one day if you're looking to write alongside others in an online writing community, and publish everyday, come join us at Lifelog ( Got a bunch of us going strong at 100+ day streak

Julian Barbarino 🇵🇷 Author

Thanks Jason! I'm mostly writing everyday but not everything is blog worthy. For me the practice is most important, I've been learning that i don't have to post everything I write and with my constant changes in work schedules it's hard to find the right time to research and write articles that i would find interesting. I don't want to repeat what others have done so mostly I'm reading and looking how I can take on different perspectives.

Jason Leow

Love the julianwrites series! Are you aiming to write 500 days?

Jason Leow

Yes agree about practice is important. At Lifelog, practice is key for us too. There's a few others who write on Lifelog who don't commit to writing daily, only frequently. I find publishing publicly helpful - it ups the game a bit, and brings feedback or comments, which are helpful for improving writing, and also motivating (that people read it).


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