Day 390 - Coaching for marketing -

Here’s the thing about running your own business:

You’re always too close to the trees to see the forest.

You see, I just did a call with Amar Ghose of (via the generosity of Mash from @SparrowStartup) to get some coaching on marketing. And boy did he give me some good reminders.

Stuff that I knew. But not doing.

Why is that? 🤦‍♂️

I guess that’s the true value of a good coach: They just hold a mirror up to you and you come to your own realisations. That’s more effective than him telling me what to do step by step.

This call is so timely. Just as end Jan approaches and I end my season of rest and move into hustle mode in Feb once again. Great reminders to work on the right things instead of just working hard.