Day 668 - Not stressing over stress -

Got to admit: This is an easy trap to fall into.

Stressing over stress is the best (and stupidest) way to amplify stress, not reduce it.

Because when it comes to biohacking and improvement of any kind, it’s so easy to stay in a deficit mindset. To keep finding things to fix about yourself. To keep telling myself I need fixing.

That’s just another way to flagellate myself on a daily basis, that I’m broken.

More self-beating.
More anxiety.
More frustration.
More stress.

That can’t be a good thing.

Inferring from that, I’m struck by a new thought:

I’ve always done worked hard at biohacking and improving myself from a place of lack. I’ve never once experienced self improvement from a place of abundance and sufficiency. From self love and acceptance.

It feels almost logically impossible, doesn’t it?

Can one accept oneself yet still feel there are area where one can grow in? Wouldn’t self acceptance also accept all the flaws and gaps, and lead to a kind of laziness around self growth?

I’m not sure. I certainly wish it’s possible, but I’ve never seen it, felt it, touched it before.

How do I destress without stressing?
How do I grow from a place of abundance and acceptance?

Answers welcomed.
Jason Leow Author

Yeah tactically exercise helps me too. For me, I was more coming from a mindset angle, like abundance mindset vs scarcity mindset

Walter Jenkins

For me it comes down to how do I stop the thought. Every spare thought that I have is used to plan out the next step of my business or feature in an app I’m working on. So the two things that I can say that help me are exercise and music. Exercise is great but being able to be in the moment of the exercise is hard. I have to focus on my body and not my mind in the moment. Running is hard when I want to do this. Weights are better for me. Listening to nothing or music as opposed to podcasts is another way to get my brain to stop. Podcasts are too much they get my brain ramping up again. Idk if this is what you are looking for but I always feel that cutting off all thoughts of business before it gets to the guilt works for me.


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