Day 573 - Sleep entropy -

I’ve been lacking the discipline to manage my sleep habits and hacks. And that takes about 10-15% off my sleep score. It’s a trend I’ve been observing.

So if I’m not pushing, my sleep gets a 10-15% hit. Imagine if I give up all my sleep habits entirely! I’ll probably go to negative.

This is what I did when my scores were consistently 80s, and occasional 90s:

Sleep habits
Sleep at least 7h
Alarm to sleep on time at 9:30pm
Cold shower before sleep
Wind down before sleep
Thermal comfort - 24ºC AC for me
Nightly meditation
No snoozing when alarm goes off

Dinner by 7pm
Regular water intake through the day
No drinking after dinner/8pm
1-2 coffee naps per day
Max 3 coffees per day
No coffee after 3pm
No junk food
No tea
Magnesium supplements

No screentime after dinner
Warm light for all screens
Daylight alarm
Daylight in morning

Morning walks
Body weight exercises

This is what I no longer do(❌) or do daily(⚠️), and as a result, get 60s or occasional 70s:

Sleep habits
⚠️ Sleep at least 7h
❌ Alarm to sleep on time at 9:30pm
Cold shower before sleep
Wind down before sleep
Thermal comfort - 24ºC AC for me
⚠️ Nightly meditation
❌ No snoozing when alarm goes off

⚠️ Dinner by 7pm
⚠️ Regular water intake through the day
❌ No drinking after dinner/8pm
⚠️ 1-2 coffee naps per day
Max 3 coffees per day
No coffee after 3pm
⚠️ No junk food
⚠️ No tea
Magnesium supplements

❌ No screentime after dinner
Warm light for all screens
Daylight alarm
⚠️ Daylight in morning

⚠️ Morning walks
⚠️ Body weight exercises

It’s TELLING, isn’t it?

Sleep is an infinite game. And with infinite games, you got to put in effort every single day. Without which, everything slides downwards. Entropy ensues. There’s no rest, no break.

At least now I’ve listed it out. I know what I have to do.

The issue is finding the energy to do them, amidst the recent struggles of life.