Day 699 - November wrap-up -

πŸ“ˆ Current MRR (all from Lifelog): $109 (↓$10)
πŸ“Š One-off revenue: $918 (↑$657)
πŸ’° Total revenue: $1027 (↑$657) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
🏦 Total profit: $965 (↑$641) (excl. salary and consulting costs)

πŸ‘€ Tweet impressions: 260k vs 232k
πŸ’™ Likes: 3.1k vs 2.6k
πŸ’¬ Engagement rate: 4.0% vs 3.9%
🏑 Profile visits: 40.5k vs 32.7k
πŸ“£ Mentions: 1517 vs 1088
πŸ‘£ New followers: 402 vs 280
πŸ“§ Email subscribers: 51 (↑11)

My intentions for November were simple:

β€’ Finish well for my consulting gigs.
β€’ Start from zero for my products, without any preconceived or blindly inherited notions of right or wrong, should or must.

I definitely finished well for the consulting gigs. Client feedback were mostly good, though I expected better Net Promoter Scores. Overall, finishing without major mishaps. And I got paid! Phew that was a close shave... my savings were running out.

Alignment to that sense of being able to do it my own way, without any borrowed narratives felt good. I under no illusion that I’m completely free from external influence, of course. It takes time to be an independent thinking, self-assured (or shameless) creator. But the initial steps this month felt optimistically promising.

Going all in on hyper-commercialism and marketing overdrive for Black Friday was fun this month. And for the first time, my total revenue from my indie products (excl. consulting) hit the $1k milestone! That counts for something! πŸ€‘

Overall, November felt like I’m taking my first steps of a different, more self-assured approach in my indie solopreneur journey. Definitely bodes well for the new year to come!

Onwards to December!
Jason Leow Author

Thanks @just_karthik @joanduarte!

Karthik T

Your numbers are awesome Jason!! All the best for Decemeber month.

Joan Duarte



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