Day 574 - Snoring tech -

I snore in my sleep. Somehow my nasal passage close up when I sleep, so I often end up just breathing through the mouth because it’s easier.

All my life I had an issue with my nasal passages constricting, and mouth breathing is normal for me. I used to be a long distance runner so that make it even more habitual.

But I know snoring is probably affecting my sleep, and likely my wife too (though she’s a heavy sleeper, she sometimes complains about it). Sleep is social. Being unable to breath properly wakes me up a few times without me being aware – that affects my sleep quality.

I’ve tried mouth taping before, but I’ll rip them off unconsciously while asleep. I think the reason it failed is that while it forces nose breathing, the tape didn’t solve the issue of constricted nasal passages. I got to get oxygen somehow, and my nose isn’t allowing me to, and my mouth is taped. Not a good place to be when asleep. So the tape goes off, inevitably.

So when @therealbrandonwilson recommended this nose device Mute by Rhinomed, I’m so intrigued I bought a trial pack right away. Few products trigger an instant purchase, but this was affordable and simple enough that trialling it was a nobrainer.

How it works: Like nasal strips, but instead of applying the strip on the skin of your nose bridge, you insert the device into your nose that props open your nostril. It’s made of soft plastic, and adjustable. I’m not sure if it’ll feel comfortable enough for sleep, but worth a try. Some stats I see on their site:

78% of users could sleep better
75% of users snored less
73% of users’ partners reported a reduction in snoring severity

What’s interesting is that this company also makes another similar product called Turbine for athletes to increase airflow by 38%! Wow.

I’m psyched to try this. Maybe this could finally help me with my snoring.

Will report back!
Jason Leow Author

you have snoring issues too bro?

Carl Poppa 🛸

waiting to hear your review!

Carl Poppa 🛸

i think all men do??? it's just a matter of whether ppl tell them about it or not 😂

Jason Leow Author

hahah, not sure if all men do but yeah seems like a common enough occurrence in men 😂


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