Day 921 - Exploration vs exploitation -

I think I've been in exploitation mode for so long, I 'forgot' how to be in exploration mode. Maybe that's why I'm stuck.

I just need to stop exploiting for a while, and ease back in to exploration.

It's kinda like if you're in a job, you're working really hard to meet deadlines before going on leave for vacation. Then on Day 1 of vacation, you find you can't relax. You're still think about that email you sent to Meredith. You're tempted to check your inbox. You check your messages in case your boss sends you any messages. And you ask what the hell is wrong with you. And then by the time you have to go home, you feel like you've only started feeling relaxed and settled into vacay mode.

Maybe it's not some huge mental block but just a matter of taking time to transit.

Stop pushing on my current projects. Stop aggressively marketing. Take it easy a bit on the pedal. And start looking around at the scenery. Scroll through feeds, take time to check out what other indies are doing. Seek out sources of inspiration elsewhere, in real life. Be on the lookout, sniffing for new opportunities, things that make me curious. Read. Tinker with fun lame projects.

That's it.

Explore, not exploit.