Day 776 - What being rich means -

Being rich is being often portrayed as having mansions, supercars, yachts and expensive divorce settlements. That's what being rich for the top 0.1% is like. But for the us mere mortals, we don't want to be that kind of rich. Our rich looks a lot simpler.

What "I wanna to be rich" really means for me:

- Waking up without an alarm clock, and going back to sleep after waking up because I can. This includes no 3am downtimes, no urgent support cases.
- Waking up in a new city or country every week or month if I so choose to. Or being able to choose to stay in a foreign place for long term. Travel anytime, anywhere, first class.
- Not buying fast cars but being able to afford one if I so choose to, while not actually exercising that option... because it's lame.
- Buying all the healthy food I want and need for me and my family, and not having to second guess if I can afford it this month.
- Donating generously to a social cause, or helping a friend out without expecting any return, or just having time/money to help others more.
- Retire one's parents. My parents are already retired but it'll be great to give them a quality of life that's more than comfortable.
- Being able to have leisurely and quality time with family and people I love. Key word is "leisurely", not in a hurry to get back to work.
- Having lots of time to do what I truly enjoy working on. A steady stream of interesting creative projects done in a calm and joyful manner, with no concern for making it profitable.
- Being healthy, free from chronic ailments, having time for personal fitness and feeling a sense of wellbeing.

*Does this resonate?*