Day 395 - A better way to ask for advice, via negativa -

My usual go-to question when asking someone for advice for a specific topic is:

“What are the top 3 things that brought 80% of the results?”

But I got to admit, it’s a question looking for quick hacks.

I was asking the wrong question all along.

I didn't always know what worked and what led to my success. But I definitely knew what didn’t work.

So a better question to ask is to ask about what not to do.

• “What is something people spend too much time on that I should skip entirely?”
• What’s the top 3 mistakes you made that you don’t wish on someone else in similar shoes?
• What did you focus on back then that you now wished otherwise?
• What would your current self tell your past self on what not to do?

The via negativa approach to seeking advice.