Day 134 - Making as quilting

"don’t think of side projects as “spinning plates”. think of them as quilts. somedays you sew on one quilt. other days, you sew on another. each unique in their own way; each has its own path…" ~ @searchbound

That’s it! This is how I will describe my side projects hereon.

Not juggling or “spinning plates”, but quilting.

Quilting is making an eclectic patchwork.
Quilting is done with care.
Quilting is hard crafted.
Quilting is done slowly, calmly.

Ideally, quilting is done in a way as a grandma does, by a fireplace, with a cup of tea, and pet cat purring at her legs. It’s an image of bliss, working with your hands, with love and care.

Holding that vision in my head is helpful. It’s mindful, delightful, blissful.