Day 885 - Not all features are created equal -

For Side Project Weekend this week, I managed to fix a bunch of minor bugs on Lifelog. No new features.

- Fixed window jumping to bottom when typing a long post.
- Added auto-scroll down to keep typing input at vertical center of screen.
- Fixed position of snackbar editor blocking typing input of textarea.

From today's build sessions, I found myself pondering... *Is that it? Are these features all to it?* I think the initial burst of joy from building and launching anything at all, after a two-year hiatus, is now waning. I want to continue building on Side Project Weekends for sure, but I also want to be more intentional. I don't want to just build features willy-nilly, but features that will push the product ahead.

Because not all features are created equal.

And I feel the ones I've been building so far since I started Side Project Weekend were "quality of life improvements" as @therealbrandonwilson would say, and great fun to build, but doesn't push the envelope enough.

What would make Lifelog special or surprising?
What can people remember it by, other than just for daily writing?
Other than being a writing platform and community with streak counters, what else could it be?

Do I want it to be a habit building platform?
Or more for writing for the long game?
Or is it more social, about the community?

Many questions, no answers.

I've always said I wanted to pivot Lifelog. But to what... I don't know yet.

Perhaps the answers lie in how I use it, how the folks here currently use it, what makes them stay or come back time and again...

Time to rethink and research and re-explore!