Day 355 - Naps on my chair

I recently learned a new sleep trick – napping from my chair.

- close your eyes, lean back fully on chair, and rest head against the head-rest.
- progressively relax eyes, mind, shoulders, torso and legs.
- 90% of the time you'll was awake and conscious, but once you reached a certain threshold of relaxation, your brain would wink off for just an instant. It felt like the brain blinking shut for one second, and then back on again to full awareness.

Pretty weird experience, but the effect is noticeable.

Another sleep hack in my arsenal!

awesome 🤯, thanks for sharing this Jason.


I don't remember but I believe Benjamin Franklin used to do the same thing, he held a key while he was trying to take a nap on his chair and as soon as he slept the key would fall from his hand and that nosie would wake him up…

Jason Leow Author

Oh I rem that too. Googled it - it's apparently Einstein, Dali: "These men were unknowingly taking advantage of what scientists today call the "hypnogogic" nap, when the mind, before it reaches Stage 2 sleep, unlocks free flowing creative thoughts."


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