Day 765 - Calm business of one -

With everyone hustlinh and crushing it in my timeline, I feel like I need more influence from folks who are doing a calm business of one. That got me thinking:

What does a calm business of one look like ideally, for me?

- No working late night and weekends
- No hustle porn
- Works around your lifestyle, not you around the work
- Optimizes for a blank calendar
- A survivor, with at least enough earnings in the bank account
- No jumping on hype cycles of new tech
- Self-confident in running my own race
- Realistic with problems, optimistic with potential
- Zero to minimal meetings
- No employees
- Specialist contractors/freelancers at most
- Quality time timeboxed for family
- Work anytime I want
- No need permission to go on vacation
- Not chasing likes, impressions and followers for it's own sake
- Location independence
- Creative autonomy in all my projects
- Nothing that requires 24/7 support
- No 3am server downtime emergencies
- Firing unreasonable customers
- No contractual lock-in to being in business for perpetuity
- Time for health and fitness
- Diversified portfolio of products and services
- Always be experimenting and making small bets
- Optimised for lifestyle

*What else do you think should be what a calm business of one should look like?*
Jason Leow Author

I suspect many indies too! πŸ˜‰

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

this is something i aspire to as well :)


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