Dy 287 - 10× hour https://golifelog.com/posts/10-hour-1634174088920

Apparently, Jeff Bezos would routinely look at his calendar for the last week, and see which blocks can he miss. Which meetings he could have skipped with minimal impact. Which activities he could have dropped to little effect. Week by week, he would remove hours that didn’t matter, and leave behind hours that did. Slowly over the months and years, that practice would optimise his time towards blocks that he shouldn’t miss. Blocks of time that move the needle. Hours that truly matter.

I want my hours to matter.

So, try removing blocks in your calendar and see if anything bad happens. Try not turning up and see what happens. Remove block by block till people start noticing.

What’s the worse that could happen?

If you can accept the consequences; if there’s no major downsides, then DO IT.

Imagine, a calendar where every hour is a 10× hour. Every second moves the needle.

Imagine what you’ll achieve after one year doing that!
Jason Leow Author

That's brilliant!

Carl Poppa 🛸

this is why i can't have a repeating-tasks calendar. it always changes because i'm constantly refining what to (not) work on


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