Day 466 - 5am club passes 100 members -

We just passed 100 members in the 5am club for creators! As of today we’re at 104 members – a growth milestone that I feel I should write about. I started it on 14 Aug 2021, so it took about 7 months to get to 100. I did a review when the group was at 90 members on 12 Mar, so it took about 1 month to grow 10 members! Surely a slow growth project, a labour of love.

What I love most about this project
It’s a great learning opportunity on community-driven product development. I started the group chat not thinking about a product, but just as a way to learn collectively about sleep. But in the back of my mind, I always knew the possibility of building something for it in the future. So this is my own way of learning by doing, for community-driven products.

What I found challenging about the project
Engagement. And patience. Thankfully it seemed to have reached a threshold at 100 where more members are active, posting their wake times, and chatting about sleep. From 0 to 70-80, it felt like messaging into the void. I was probably the one who’s active on the chat.

What my hopes are for the project
I wish to keep growing the club. The funny thing about sleep biohacking is, it’s an infinite game. You’re never done, or can ever be done done. So there’s always something to work on, some new or old lesson to learn and share. So likewise, I’m not sure there’s a endgame here for the community. It can keep going and growing. People will come and go, but everyone still needs to sleep, so there’s always a need for it.