Day 522 - The simple joys of coding in plain HTML, CSS & JS -

I’ve been enjoying coding the Sheet2Bio landing page in just plain HTML, CSS and Javascript. (The bio pages are in HTML, CSS and Vue.js)

It’s such a joy to code using just a Github-Netlify tech stack.

So simple.
So uncomplicated.

Just like writing here on Lifelog, I write code on Github on the web app, and click publish. Netlify does the rest, automatically.

No hosting.
No libraries.
No terminal.
No backends.
No databases.
No frameworks.
No npm or yarn.
No code editors.
No components.
No versions to update.
No environment variables.
No endless node modules.
No tooling to install and set up.
No configs for eslint and prettier.

Sometimes I wonder if we had veered way off course when it comes to simplicity of tooling for web development.

OK sure one doesn’t need to learn everything on that list to deploy his first app. But still numerous enough. That was my experience too. Just getting set up with the tooling is a huge pain and barrier to entry already, before he can even deploy a simple “Hello, World!”.

I love that my time-to-helloworld is mere minutes using the Github-Netlify tech stack.

I wish every web app I create can be this simple and uncomplicated.