Day 750 - Indie solopreneurship is unhealthy for me -

Indie solopreneurship is unhealthy for me. There I said it.

As much as I love the work, the lifestyle is just waaay too sedantary.

I just realised how unfit I am just working from home, after being absolutely knocked out from running a workshop for my client for half a day. My back starting aching just 1h in, and by the end of the workshop my body was screaming to lie down.

Not good. Not good at all.

I think my unfitness started trending downwards since the pandemic + fatherhood, and I never quite got back. In fact, I'm not even keeping my head above water, I'm just sinking slowly without realising I'm going to drown. Like the proverbial frog in boiling water. It's so easy to cruise along with my sedantary lifestyle every day, because I don't feel worse off day to day.

![James Clear graphic](

But it's like 1% daily compounding, except that it's negative. Hypothetically speaking, if I compound at 1% worse every day, I'll end up 30x less fit than a year ago. It's scary when I extrapolate the unfitness now to 10-20 years later when I hit my 50s-60s. By then it wouldn't be called lack of fitness, it'll be atrophy. Then quickly it'll be degeneration.

Not a future life I want. Where I live long years of life but there's no life in the years.

What can I do then?

I already exercise every morning:

- 15min brisk walk or slow jog
- body weight exercises like push-ups, squats, heel raises
- climbing up 7 floors of stairs

But I think I need to up the ante. Maybe multiply that workout by 2-3x, per day. Go for longer walks every week or two. Carry extra weight while doing that.

Nothing like a mini crisis situation to trigger a positive change.
Jason Leow Author

yes throughout the day

Jason Leow Author

Yeah it's probably not indie solopreneurship per se. More due to my current way of doing indie. Too sedantary. Gotta mix it up with more movement.

Jason Leow Author

You're right. Maybe baby steps first. Too ambitious = no follow through!

Fajar Siddiq

got to stretch and walk more

Carl Poppa 🛸

i feel you. i wonder if it's "indie solopreneurship" or just plain old age catching up… 😅

Carl Poppa 🛸

it's not easy to suddenly 2-3x overnight. one suggestion is to increase one thing at a time. maybe start by doing 30min walk instead of 15min?


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