Day 468 - Building a side hustle as investment -

I’ve always seen investment as something separate from building a business. Yet if you compare the returns, they might be more similar than you think.

My side hustles in total provided about $11,000 of returns for 2021 (I know because I just did my taxes) – not too shabby eh? I would have to save about $370,000 and invest 100% of that amount in bonds to get $11k in returns – a feat that’s harder to do than just trading my time, energy and ideas for the same returns.


So I’m a investor now. Just in assets that’s not your typical financial investment assets.
Carl Poppa 🛸

Yup! I love keeping my mind busy. Also prevents dementia and alzheimers in old age touch wood

Carl Poppa 🛸

that really puts things in perspective! i think the attraction of investment in the traditional sense, to most people, is the "getting something for doing nothing". I think i'm like you - i much rather just do / make / build - it's more fulfilling!

Jason Leow Author

Hahah you're thinking really far ahead 💪

Jason Leow Author

Right?! Yeah we have to put in the effort, so it's not exactly passive, but we have so much more control over how well our 'investment' will perform! Plus the added benefits of personal growth, learning new skills and all the good stuff from entrepreneurship and indie hacking


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