Day 783 - The mindset for sleep biohacking -

They say mindset is everything. Sometimes it's easy to shrug this off as some new age BS, but I recently discovered this about sleep.

Yes, the mindset for sleep biohacking.

Before, I was anxious about my sleep. The anxiety could be due to the general background anxiety during the pandemic (I started sleep biohacking then). It could be due to the growing pains of settling into fatherhood. Or it could even be due to financial anxiety. Or a combination of everything. I would obsessively track my sleep quantity and quality. Each night entailed a win or a fail. Did I get enough sleep? Did I sleep well? What can I do to keep up with the sleep debt?

Yet somehow, I never felt like I was on top of things. I was always flailing. Always one step behind this "infinite game" as I like to call it.

But something shifted recently. The anxiety is mostly gone. It could be due to being able to let go of the [experiences of the past few years]( It could be that finances are doing better this year. It could be that my toddler is turning three soon and things are a lot more stable with him being older and more independent. For sure my sleep habits had not changed much. Yet I'm less fazed by poor sleep nights. I'll feel tired for sure. But I've got this "I got this" sense of equanimity to it. Tired? OK sure. Life goes on. I'll handle it. Got sh*t sleep like 50% sleep score? Oh well shrugs. Looks like I have to catch up on sleep debt tonight, and try to nap a bit or move around more. I still try to manage my sleep in all the ways I know, but the mindset's totally different. And it's psychosomatic. When I got this, I feel less burdened by the sleep lack. I just go about my day, function normally.

Life goes on.

Amazing what a mindset shift can bring.